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Webinar Understanding social skills of parents from disadvantaged communities



11-12-2023 om 15:30


11-12-2023 om 16:30

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Roma parents are often first to blame for poor education results of their children. Lack of social skills, poor motivation and cultural values are seen as main challenges for the “right“ parenting. It is important to deconstruct the notions of “social skills“ and “motivation“ as socially constructed

The International Parentcentered Network (IPCN) kindly invites you to a webinar series on the topic of parenthood in Europe, from a current and multidisciplinary perspective. For several years now, this network has been organizing intensive learning weeks for students in various European cities, symposia and conferences for professionals, network events, etc. With these webinars, the network wants to further focus on the resilient and sensitive development of professionals and parents in an accessible way.


Webinar 4  Understanding social skills of parents from disadvantaged communities

by Agnieška Avin, Vilniaus kolegija; Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology

Weblink: click here

Roma parents are often first to blame for poor education results of their children. Lack of social skills, poor motivation and cultural values are being seen as the main challenges for the “right“ parenting. They are being criticised for not being able to provide children with proper care, meet their needs and prepare them for the social life in the society. I would argue that the neoliberal approach to parenting as a (un)success of individual choices and decisions is one of the main reasons of not fully understanding the parenthood of disadvantaged families and complexed challenges they face. It is also very important to deconstruct the notions of “social skills“ and “motivation“ as not universal personal attributes but socially constructed qualities. The paper will be based on a long-term ethnographic research among Vilnius Roma families.

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